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Here at the Scoreboard we offer a variety of tournament services for junior golf tournament organizers that can help to insure your tournament is a success. These include:

  • Listing and Publicizing Your Event
    — As a free service we list and rank all junior stroke play events and match play qualifiers that are 36 holes or more and meet the following criteria: (Schedule Upload Form)
    • Age groups greater than 10yrs old, (Age Groups 10-11, 10-12, 10-13, etc. are acceptable)
    • Is a competition that is conducted under the USGA rules of golf and the competition is not using a maximum score variation as described in Rule 21.2 and not using the local rule allowing a drop for out of bounds or lost ball.
      Lift, clean, and place is permitted in the fairway only.
    • Is played on a USGA rated golf course that has been unaltered because of renovation, damage, re-designed and not yet re-rated, repair, etc
    • has a minimum of 5 competitors that complete all scheduled rounds,
    • has played from a minimum of 4,500 yards and not shorter than the forward most USGA rated tees, and
    • If an independent high school invitational event (not run by state high school athletic association or designee):
      • There is an individual stroke play competition
      • Event follows all of the above
      • Results are submitted with player's actual hometown of residence in appropriate format (Results Form)
      • There is no "on course" coaching during competition rounds
      • Results are accompanied by an email from a USGA qualified (passed recent rules test) official who was present and who certifies the competition was conducted under the conditions listed above and the Rules of Golf.
  • Publishing Your Results
    — Also as a free service, we will publish and use the results for our Rankings© for all events that have been listed with us (see above) in which at least 5 players completed at least 36 holes, results include hometowns, states, and yardages played by each age group. Results are published on a first in- first published basis. To expedite having your results published, click here (Results Form) to use our formatted Results Excel sheet and then attach to an email to We also accept Excel spreadsheets from TPP, Golf Genius, and Blue Golf.
  • Enhanced listings
    — Tournaments looking to have a more distinctive listing can add a logo or artwork to their information and a description of tournament above the basic information that is provided for free. Please call for more information.
  • Broadcast emails

    — tournament can publicize their event through our broadcast email service using the email addresses we have here at the Scoreboard. Call for more information.

For more information about any of these services please call us at 804-935-1800 or email